though you probably already noticed
I am still in the process of learning of how to decide whether to watch something or not. I am usually absolutely right in my predictions, but sometimes I give myself a handicap and regret it later. Okamoto voicing the main character was a very attractive bait and I could not help it...
up to ep. 4 everything was good. jokes about erotic poses were funny, girls falling down here and there, inevitably showing either their upper or their lower parts at a very special angle to the camera were an ordinary thing, in my mind, for an ecchi, a huge harem dancing around the extremely-ordinary-main-hero-with-almost-no-personality was tolerable, and when sometimes Leceister uttered something with vaguely Usui-like intonation, I was happy. somehow putting up with Minette's name I watched it peacefully. up to ep. 4 ending, yeah. until this came...
up to ep. 4 everything was good. jokes about erotic poses were funny, girls falling down here and there, inevitably showing either their upper or their lower parts at a very special angle to the camera were an ordinary thing, in my mind, for an ecchi, a huge harem dancing around the extremely-ordinary-main-hero-with-almost-no-personality was tolerable, and when sometimes Leceister uttered something with vaguely Usui-like intonation, I was happy. somehow putting up with Minette's name I watched it peacefully. up to ep. 4 ending, yeah. until this came...
I was taken unawares. yeah, that is year 2011 for you. ecchi is not like before, showing panties for 0.5 second is not enough. nowadays ecchi means this ↑
well I must not frighten you too much
well I must not frighten you too much
plot and characters
beware of harem! anime version of hentai visual novel with a male main character is not a thing that would go easy on you. how many male characters there are? oh let me think... apart from Leceister - his father, the Duke, Nick and Aber-big-brother. in other words 'Campanella' presents a lot of fanservice for guys
and just a little for girls. oh, stop, is it again for guys?
to be honest, I was wondering throughout the whole series, how can seiyuus voice characters in such scenes without ROFLing? myself, I was ROFLing constantly
to say that the plot is too complicated would be a mistake. predictable and ordinary turns of events, yes. the final battle could label this anime 'for children' if not for ecchi. what is with that? a small loli just concentrates and sends her love to the universe and saves everyone, while her friends are fighting with monsters and Papa is repairing the device simply putting his hands inside it...
however, there is another side, too. 'philosophy' sounds too much for it, but certainly there was one very good idea
ideas of self-sacrifice etc. are widespread. it is the way how this idea is presented what seems special to me in 'Campanella'. is Mama Shelley just one more cute element? she looks as such throughout the story until Minette decides to give her core to Miriam. when you decide to do something, even if that is a good deed, even if you look like a selfless hero, do you consider how others will react? well, most people do not, says this young-looking attractive mama
this is not what you would expect from an ecchi harem, huh?
and OVA was just a huge piece of nonsense... in a good sense, haha
apart from Okamoto I was not interested in anyone, but they did a pretty good job in following the patterns they were given. 'brave but shy and clumsy' girl, 'jealous lover', 'cute open-minded loli', 'cool elder brother', 'a little perverted father', etc. pretty widespread but I was not expecting anything outstanding, and at least - nobody was inappropriate
if you ask me who is my favourite seiyuu here, it would be Tango's Koorogi Satomi. seiyuus voicing cute animals have always been my weakness *___*
you know what? there was some, however strange it may seem. the world of 'Campanella' is made in detail, including music. OPEDs were not of the style 'all seiyuus sing together some meaningless and cute song', but were given to young girls with soft voices, and moreover, the opening song even reminded me of 'Blue Blue Wave' by KAORI which was used in 'Aria' game
off course 'Aria' is just a faraway ideal comparing with 'Campanella', but I could say that there have something in common. apart from the songs I mentioned it would be the bright vivid colours resulting in the general pleasant feeling I got from watching. sometimes, and especially in winter, it is good to see something like this
if only this were not an ecchi... if only this were not an ecchi...
p. s.
and the last funny element here who lightened up the mood every now and then was...
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