people usually post/repost quotations of famous people, outstanding, great, influential. certainly I would not. my idols are different and my criteria are different, too. I do not care about popularity, about ability to make a considerable impact, about placing oneself on record. I am just collecting ideas that I heard somewhere and liked
'I am against the point against. I am in favour of the point in favour'
this is a phrase constantly uttered by a character from the PSP game 'koi wa kousoku ni shibararenai', where the player has to 'convince' the school council to agree on some proposal. I just liked how the phrase sounds. double negation, then double assertion... oh, Japanese language...
let's тудуду!
let's tododooo
'tododooo' is how my friend described the situation of happily dancing and singing after accomplishing something or coping with a difficult task. then it developed into an appeal - let's!
待っているだけじゃ始まらない。自ら向かって行かないと'it won't start if you only wait for it. you have to aim for it yourself'
a phrase from Hiromu Kiriya's first concert booklet
暴力は何も生まない。ひとりひとりがもうちょっと優しい相手を思いやる気持ちを持ってたら戦争はなくなるんじゃない'nothing [good] can be born from violence. if everybody was just a little more considerate to their opponents, won't wars be erased?'
a phrase from Siam Shade's Hideki's interview about his best album
Воистину нарушилась гармония мира!truly the world harmony is broken!
...said mr. Tonto, the Depp's character
Respectfully I've gotta disagree. We've sold blenders and even the best model in the world is only gonna run maybe 10 or 11 hours. So we're getting out and when we do, we're better off for it because whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.The Internship
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The strong pure air suddenly rushing right through to her lungs made her feel faint, and she almost fell. But it was good to feel herself falling, when one pair of arms amongst the millions on the earth were there to receive hera really romantic part from 'Scarlet Pimpernel' series