as nothing else can be enough for expressing how much I liked the show.
I love Suzukaze-sama, I love the Moon Troupe, I love everything about it..... the mess on the stage, the constant funny lines and the behaviour of all the characters, and Puck in the first place, made me ROFL to tears.
just try to understand...
Daniel - Suzy!
Puck - Suzy! Suzy! are you 'back of the neck'? what are you doing, tell me what, tell me what!
as fas as I understand, there is a play on words 'Suuji' which is the name of the girl Suzy and 'kubisuji' which means 'back of the neck'
Oberon very angry and disappointed about Tytania's attitude towards him
Oberon - it is vexing, vexing, vexing!
Puck - Oberon-sama, vexing? and the vexing pose is?
Oberon - vexiiiiing!
Puck - ooo, that's cool!
Oberon - is it?
Puck - yep, cool!
Oberon - it's not the time to be saying this...
Oberon - go by this vine!
Puck - yes!
Oberon - is it not situated opportunely?
Puck - really, situated quite opportunely!
Oberon - ready?
everybody - let's goo! oh... let's gooo!
Oberon - I rely on you, Puck!
Puck - you can rely on me, Oberon-sama!
- what is your name? P... U... C... K... PUKKU??? what a strange name... but you are not that suspicious, so for now, let's come to my place. let's go! it is really ok, we are doing a band... we're doing a band! do you happen to play any musical instrument? oh... then, can you dance? oh! that's better!
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