02 May 2012

my humble opinion on the next performances of Moon Troupe

the worst thing I anticipated really happened...
some time ago I noticed that Ryuu-sama's voice sometimes reminds me of Yuzuki-sama's voice a bit. this fact led me to think over their images and I thought there is a slight resemblance, though I did not think of them as similar actresses, or anything
after RomiJuri was announced, I thought 'twas a performance suitable for Snow and Star, not for Moon, but well, in the end I almost changed my mind and started thinking - what if the Moon cast will do it differently so that I could even like RomiJuri in general?
still, when thinking about the dates of my possible new visit to Japan, I decided to wait until the National Tour is announced, because while feeling guilty that I am not entirely happy for the first performance of the new Moon, I vaguely hoped that the national Tour would be more interesting for me than RomiJuri and that would be an excuse to not go and watch RomiJuri
and the Tour was announced. and 'twas announced that Moon..... copies Star again. moreover, they do not revive an old classical performance, as 'twas in case with last year's 'My love lies over the mountain'. no, they repeat 'Too short a time to fall in love' which was performed twice in the last 5 years, and even during the same National Tour. and I wonder if anything can make Ryuu-sama original in such a performance? of course they are different with Yuzuki-sama, and the difference will be obvious. the similarity will be too, as 'twill be only emphasized by the play
I am not a too brave girl, so I shall not write an angry letter to Takarazuka board of directors expressing my disappointment. still, I am on the verge of complete sadness about the new Moon style. only doing what others already did. what for??? 
moreover, the performance itself irritates me greatly. I almost hate that kind of stories, full of inevitable despair. still, performed brilliantly by wonderful actresses of Star in 2011, the performance deserved my respect as a realistic tragedy. why, I want to understand, why does Moon have to repeat such kind of a play when it had an unlimited number of other performances to choose, both old and new, and also unwritten before ones...
this fact might be not as acutely painful as 'tis if not for the fact that Mirio will play a part in a performance based on Mishima Yukio's novel. this was the last straw... are you kidding???
is it only me or are they desperately trying to change the Top images? Masao, who was as nibante frequently portraying 'villains', or enemies, or rivals, or something like this - suddenly turns into considerably week and effete type. Mirio, seeming so caring and deep, suddenly starts to develop her Z-Boy side. I might have understood something wrong, but... becoming more tender and mild for Masao could be accomplished by becoming herself. the same goes for Mirio applying a stronger image. they both went too far. as for Manaki-sama, I know too little of her to state something, but ohhh, just look at how confused she is every time she speaks. 'Dancging Heroes' - a crybaby, RomiJuri presentation - red faced, trembling voice and repeating the same line for 3 times because of nervousness and shyness. and they try to make a womanly woman out of that cute little girl
why... who is the one who decided to do this... what for...
oh, please... do not let Moon become ordinary and boring...... I do not want it... please

*upd 02.05*
just read that Suzuki Toshiko is the new choreographer responsible for Moon's RomiJuri. will the new person change something, especially considering the fact she is a former Takarasienne...?


  1. Hi, I just happened upon your page while searching under "ryuu masaki romeo" :D
    Your translation of the press conference is greatly appreciated for although I have seen the clip, I don't really understand what they were saying :P
    I haven't seen Chapi much either, other than as the Young Louis in Scarlet Pimpernel, so I was very tentitive about her. But seeing her at the press conference and her singing (is it me or does she sound better with Masao?)made me think that maybe, perhaps Hankyu does know what they are doing when they chose her as Top Star. I will look forward to the rehearsal clips and interviews with interest =D
    Have you seen the one with the 5 minute Cafe Break interview?

    1. oh I am terribly sorry for ignoring your comment for several days ^^`
      I hope there are not several Cafe Breaks about that RomiJuri presentation, so I think - yes, I have watched it. I already began to write down what they say (the primary reason being the fact that inexperienced Chapi is overly cute), but got busy with my work/homework, etc. therefore it takes me more time than I wanted ^^` however that may be, I am determined to finish it very soon, hope it will be a useful thing to you

    2. Hello :)
      I think there is only one so far with the three of them. Please take your time as I really appreciate the time and effort in translating such clips. :)

    3. ohhhh, somehow it took me a week, but finally the translation is ready ^_^
