15 June 2012

some thoughts about musumeyaku-san and Moon Troupe

Maihane-san announced her retirement. finally what a pity
now that I recall talking with my friend, who knows about Zuka only from what I've told her, she liked Snow the best, judging by their looks. somehow I am frustrated... I mean, even if she started watching Zuka performances, she would prefer Snow, at least in the beginning. and so, we would have nothing to discuss because I do not know even a single bit of information about Snow... >___< 'tis not as if I regretted this fact, but... I feel annoyed. just thinking that she was hesitating between Snow and Star, and praised Cosmos makes me think what a HUGE difference there would be if only...
well, on the other hand - those were only photos. actual performances are different
well, not for me. while I agreed that Aono-sama looked a bit cold and 'too perfect' - therefore, a little faraway and unreal, I liked her from the very beginning and I hoped that she would crush that impression of hers on the photos. and she DID. and how glad I was..... *____*
well, enough of that. my initial purpose of writing this post was to think of Manaki-sama
if we asked her about her roles we would certainly hear that she is grateful to perform in any play and take any role. she is too young to say anything different. well, I can understand that Juliette is a classical heroine and RomiJuri is a modern and bright musical, or something like this could came to mind of Manaki-sama and make her eager to play in RomiJuri. I wonder if she has the same interest in 'Too short a time'? 
I was against this performance from the very moment 'twas announced, but that 'against' was based purely on the fact that Star had already performed the play 2 times, and my impression of Yuzuki-sama and Ryuu-sama. this time I thought of the other characters. making a tragic hero of Ryuu-sama is understandable (though I hate it), but making a tragic heroine out of this cute tiny shiny baby who radiates Moon energy around her is unforgivable
and in the end I come to a very sad conclusion. I do not want to come to Japan and watch either RomiJuri, or 'Too short a time'. moreover, seeing Mirio paired with another girl but Manaki would also make me feel awkward (just like I feel when I see Kiriya-sama with other musumeyaku-san) - in other words, I am not willing to watch 'Spring Snow' Bow. and moreover, skipping classes of my last year in the university when they have just started in October is not a good idea. what is left there, then? watching another Troupe
stop. searching for a BAITO. earning money. saying goodbye to buying shoes I wanted so much. organizing a trip to Japan, and this time - taking my friends with me, which is a thing I dreamt of, but which means additional burden of scheduling, searching for a hotel, buying tickets, etc. - all this for watching another Troupe??? nonsense
meseems, some more reasoning like this - and I am not going anywhere. but then, what about my discs??? buying them with the help of internet? and paying additional 4000 roubles for delivery? nonsense

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