11 September 2012

Socionic experience. part 1 - just a few subjective observations

If someone comes and tells me I am completely wrong in my predictions about TIMs of people around me I wouldn't be surprised. I only guess about the possible types of my surroundings and I am not absolutely sure my variants correspond with the true ones.

EIE, ENFj, Hamlet 
IEI, INFp, Yesenin

point 1
Hamlets live under the motto 'to make a promise costs nothing.' Tend to promise a lot and keep their promises very seld... well, not always. They don't do it on purpose, they just forget because they don't attach much importance to the promise. This applies of course to cases when they are the part who promise to do smth, not to receive, in other words - if the result of the promise is of great importance to them, they are not likely to forget. Well, who is? Unlike EIEs, Yesenins are not that apt to promising, and when they do, their promises are so vague... that you cannot probably expect them to be followed in their original form... and was there any?
The trick is not to expect too much from them. If you are the one who needs smth from them - better remind, and better constantly. The EIEs I know don't feel offended by me reminding about smth. IEIs are less forgiving, but still. Remember that your value of the promise and theirs may be different. Once there was a time I understood that a friend of mine not only forgot about the promise made, but even never considered it a promise. I felt I was betrayed and I was depressed - until I understood that there was no reason to think so. Just don't demand too much loyalty from them and make sure they understand the importance of promises made between you

point 2
Though Hamlets are negativists, victim type, and are considered as 'tragic' members of the socion, real life is not always the same as theory. They tend to be much more... amiable? well, friendly, at least. can call you with nicknames or some words which have a special meaning between you. often stick to one favourite variant and use it long time. as I am only happy because of this, I never object... and never feel surprised when I see 'wife-chan' or 'mister X' on the screen of my friends' smartphones when they check a message from me
IEIs are described as melancholic creatures, which is true, but one must be ready that they have times when they troll... severely... this may seem unrealistic, but Hamlets are much milder in their expressions and filter their words thoroughly not to be too sharp on their nearest. Yesenins don't. they can be so straightforward that sometimes I need to calm down my two Hamlets who still take offence at Yesenin's comments

point 3
complete absence of logic makes... oops, did I say it aloud?
just joking. I don't want to say that EIEs and IEIs have no logic at all, just 'tis a strange kind of logic. I have ceased already to feel surprised at their sudden 'and Petr went in and said...' while I have no idea of who that Petr might be. in other words, they always suppose you know everything concerning them, including the tiniest trifles of their everyday life, including things they said to other people but you, and including the thoughts inside their heads they didn't even put into words once. when you tell them you don't, they are always shocked. there are cases when they admit that they've just forgotten to tell you, but often they seem to believe that 'tis a natural thing for you to know everything. having known 3 people of these types for many years, I still don't know approximately a half of what they usually talk about. first I was raising my brow not understanding the topic, then I used to get angry, now I am simply letting it go. 'tis much more fun when you keep silent during chats involving people and circumstances you don't know, and several months later an EIE or IEI speaks about the same thing and asks you something, and you reply 'oh but you didn't bother to give any explanation of how it started. I have no idea what you're talking about.'
to put this black humour aside, I am trying to say that in spite of a good intuition of time (white intuition) they tend to mess up the order of events - partially because of the fact they really forget, partially because they feel somewhat embarrassed to start from the beginning. well, I guess so. in most cases you're likely to hear the result of some action or consequences of some incident, but not the reason and the beginning of it. for example, they are likely to say 'I'm off to buy a new headlight' when you've never heard they had a car. the rest depends on you. if the matter is important, you'll have to ask for the basic info from them. if not - you can pretend you understood everything as 'tis (though I doubt this is possible). you can also simply ignore this kind of conversation - as for me, I dislike it when I am provoked to ask additional questions. that's what I call 'to mince' (with the meaning of 'to make difficulties')
only several days ago my friend told me that she was doubting about whether she could go to the trip with me. the same evening I told her a lot about my plans and asked her fervently to agree. she replied nothing particular and said she would take one more day to think over. that 'one' day came and after she asked me about some details I get a message - 'how about this hotel? *website link*' well, that's how they live, can't help it

point 4 
though they can forget about telling you important information, they would remember much about you. this, however, isn't as great as it seems
while I am sincerely thankful to them for the fact that they remember my comments, opinions and ideas, and even my short remarks - which sometimes leads to them buying me an item I mentioned only once as 'cute', or reminding me of funny things there happened, or important moments I forgot - there are times I wish they had no such great memory. every slightest mistake you make, every clumsy action, failed attempt, careless phrase would be remembered - and you would be reminded of it every time when they think it relevant. even if the truth is completely the opposite of what they say, they will remember their own version of the developments. even if something was a joke, they will repeat it so that it gradually becomes a thing that happened in the reality. first you laugh at the joke, then you laugh at the fact that this is a joke repeated constantly. sometimes you may get irritated as well. the funniest thing is that EIEs and IEI I know can even remember such things about each other and eventually hurt the person. the one who is spoken about usually takes offence and starts to argue that there was no such thing. what there really was is sometimes impossible to investigate, but regardless - unpleasant things seem to bring most pleasure to the person who recalls it. 'and you were soooooo drunk hahahaaaa' one of them may say, while the person might be an absolute teetotaller

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