obviously Tamaki would not make Oscar. therefore, Akizuki will do it! ROFL
haaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaahaaaa, owww..... *wiping tears after laughing*
this is just... level of ridiculousness surpassing everything
oh I see, I see. Zuka found 'tis short of money before the centennial celebration which is to be gorgeous, since 'tis 100-year-jubilee, huh? that is why they must repeat the most successful things as much as they can, and that is why Star will have to play RomiJuri again. for the 4th time in 4 years. oh but can there be any other explanation??? do not tell me the troupes love RomiJuri so much that they fight for the right to play it. do not tell me this classical story and beautiful musical deserves being repeated that frequently
you are disappointing me, Zuka. instead of inventing something brand new and astonishing, instead of letting the Troupes challenge themselves, instead of reviving something outstanding and rare... you just please the audience with 'big hits'. I did not know your principles may fall that low. correct me if I am wrong?
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