the new year marked a new stage in Zuka tickets. finally Zuka understood it should not be weaker than any other service in terms of selling their tickets. the web-ticket system was upgraded noticeably! what are the major innovations?
innovation #1
as you can see, the days of the week are written in Russian! yeah, there
in the brackets. does Takarazuka aim to become more foreigner-friendly step by
innovation #2
the answer is NO. why? now it requires a login. is login that bad?
login itself is not. registration is. the problem is not that the process became a bit more complicated - Google translator or someone who knows can help you with the Japanese language. what really seems to be a big hinder is that you will need to write your ADDRESS in Japan. including index, prefecture, city, building, etc. and your phone number, as usual. previously you only had to write your phone number. here, as always, you have an alternative. you can either ask your Japanese friend (what? you love Takarazuka and you do not even possess a bunch of kind Japanese friends???) to lend you his/her address and phone number - I did this with phone number only last time. OR - you can deceive the system. yeah, just find a random address and put it in. what are the consequences? I have NO idea. however, at least I knew that phone number was only necessary when you go to pick up your ticket as one of the numbers of confirmation. address - what is it used for? this requires a long and boring process of reading the rules. remember 'tis Japan we are speaking about. if you ask directly - you will be told to use an address of a person you know. no one is even suspecting you would use an address you picked up in Google maps. what if you say nothing? haha, you can try if you dare. I dare not. guess I will have a few fun hours trying to understand why address is so important. if it comes to the pinch, I guess I have people whom I can ask to use their address, but one can never be sure, huh?
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