upd 15.06.15:
minor mistakes corrected
when I was young, I was not aware that Japanese bands feel free to choose whatever name they would like. seeing 'Porno Graffitti' as 'artist' if not shocked me, then at least made me feel suspicious. however, Porno turned out to be decent and even so impressive that they became memorable. several years later I downloaded the whole discography and fell in love even more. 'machine-gun talk' is not a song I am fangirling at, but its melody seemed to be interesting and positive to me. only 2 years later I noticed the lyrics - and the lyrics are gorgeous. a whole story told in 4 minutes
minor mistakes corrected
when I was young, I was not aware that Japanese bands feel free to choose whatever name they would like. seeing 'Porno Graffitti' as 'artist' if not shocked me, then at least made me feel suspicious. however, Porno turned out to be decent and even so impressive that they became memorable. several years later I downloaded the whole discography and fell in love even more. 'machine-gun talk' is not a song I am fangirling at, but its melody seemed to be interesting and positive to me. only 2 years later I noticed the lyrics - and the lyrics are gorgeous. a whole story told in 4 minutes
as always, wrote the lyrics down and checked here
ちょっとやそっとじゃ止まらない 君のマシンガントーク
時々迷惑に感じるくらい please please don't disturb me
そんじょそこらの男達には手にも負えないレベルの you’re my honey
僕には分かってるんだよ それが君の愛の形
どんなに小さは出来事だって please please tell me all about you
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's all right
I want, you want これ以上好きになるとやばい
I want, you want これ以上好きになるとやばい
ランチの合間も止まらない 君のマシンガントーク
ランチの合間も止まらない 君のマシンガントーク
冷めたコーヒーで渇きを潤しplease please tell me all about you
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's ok
I want, you want 大切な時を二人で過ごそう
見えるものだけ信じちゃ駄目だよ 見えないものを見なきゃ駄目だよ
そういうことを忘れずにいれば oh yeah
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's ok
I want, you want 大切な時を二人で過ごそう
見えるものだけ信じちゃ駄目だよ 見えないものを見なきゃ駄目だよ
そういうことを忘れずにいれば oh yeah
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's all right
I want, you want これ以上好きになるとやばい
I want, you want これ以上好きになるとやばい
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's ok
I want, you want 大切な時を二人で過ごそう
Good time, bad time いろいろあるけれど it's ok
I want, you want 大切な時を二人で過ごそう
It would not stop
simply – your talking like machine-gun
Sometimes I am even
bothered by it – please, please don't disturb me
You’re my honey of a
level unmanageable for other guys anywhere
As for me, I
understand it – this is your form of love
Even if it is a small
incident – please, please tell me all about you
I want to know
everything about you, always, more than anyone else in this world, so
I want the rain of
words pouring down like a shower to fall down onto me
Good time, bad time –
there are different times, but it’s all right
When I embrace and
kiss you, you are really silent, aren’t you
I want, you want – if
I fall in love even more, it will be dangerous
I already cannot separate
from you
It would not stop even
during the lunch – your talking like machine-gun
You quench your thirst
with a cold coffee – please please tell me all about you
I am always together with you, almost like a contact lens, so
I am always together with you, almost like a contact lens, so
I want to drown in the
sea of words that heal my tired heart
Good time, bad time –
there are different times, but it’s ok
We are really busy
with quarrelling, misunderstanding and making up, aren’t we
I want, you want – let’s
spend our precious time together, you and me
I do not want to
separate from you
You mustn’t believe
only what you see, you must look at what is not visible
Rather than believing
what you hear you must listen to what is not audible
Do you properly see
the truth hidden behind the words?
I better not forget
this, oh yeah
Good time, bad time –
there are different times, but it’s all right
When I embrace and
kiss you, you are really silent, aren’t you
I want, you want – if
I fall in love even more, it will be dangerous
I already cannot separate
with you
Good time, bad time –
there are different times, but it’s ok
We are really busy
with quarrelling, misunderstanding and making up, aren’t we
I want, you want – let’s
spend our precious time together, you and me
I do not want to
separate from you
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