20 December 2014

Osaka and Tokyo in December, chapter 2. Day 2

music of the day - 'ari no mama de' by May J and Takako Matsu. was playing all around the shopping malls and shops everywhere. made me want to unhear it

10.00 local time
A wonderful breakfast of sushi

Having a fun curry dinner at a true Indian restaurant. Thanks Sae!

It was Friday, though.
And it really hurts. I mean, the upper part of the door is lower than you imagine when you try to enter...
After having spent  approx. 16,000 yen in UNIQLO
yes, maybe twice as much as I intended... Well, we see this queer fur Christmas tree.

And the Osaka castle 3D mapping show is the same as last year - vivid, bright, shining!

Too tired to go to the next station to a good cafe, so the nearby soba is good enough!

Back to the hotel. ISOPPU? What's that? Looks like a small cunning fox... Mi-ya-ke-ma-sa-yo... Who's that, I wonder...
And finally we're at home. And this is the hostel. Yeah, not an expensive hotel with all amenities, but it sure has its own appeal, huh?

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