I would say that BBC is always and without any doubt a marker of high quality when it comes to TV series. When I hear that they've made a 'War and Peace' with scenes that weren't in the original and seemed to the director to be implied by the author. Now I'm not going to say that BBC always creates only good things. But I'll say it like this: at least they're good at making series about themselves - British, Londoners, BBC members.
story and characters
I know, I know. Elder members uttering sheer philosophy like Dalai Lama are funny.
Boasting the progress of your democracy like a child is funny.
It all might be utterly funny if not for the fact it was not. With such believable characters, with this kind of story that does not leave you much time for breathing... Because they really got themselves into a great trouble, not being afraid of the consequences. It would be fuuny that by the end they all proved to be such brave men taking full responsibility for what they've done, which was not entirely a good thing, but for the fact that I could actually laugh when it was so serious and the characters were so dear to me already.
And I could possibly laugh when 90% of people in my country don't understand that
I'll just mention that the series get mostly positive, or neutral feedback at worst, at least among those sources I've checked. Not that I checked them for reviews, rather for making sure whether the ending was really as ambiguous as I saw it, and therefore could be treated freely as I want... And I'll tell you that half the reason of the positive part was the acting. This is probably what I have to thank BBC for. Maybe except for Romola Garai. Maybe she was just a bit too unnatural for me.
But all of them were looking so real, so "50s".And there was the cute Lisa Greenwood. And Oona Chaplin. God she's so beautiful... and real.
costumes, interiors, atmospere
Are the second half of what got this series so many positive review. Period drama? Gimme moar.
I know this won't be a masterpiece considered to be one of a kind, but you know how I found it? In a list of some 10 British TV series worthy of watching. And I would recommend it like I did the other day to my friend: listen, there is a young brave journalist willing to change the world with his program, and there is a young brave woman fighting prejudice, and many other loveable people, young and not, a bit of a detective story and lots of serious questions.
And British accent. Yeah.
After going through several of your movie, anime, book, manga and live action TV series reviews, I can safely say this: You know absolutely nothing about writing, film making, acting or fine arts. Although pretty much nobody reads your blog, so it's not like your horrible uninformed opinions will sway anyone into the wrong direction, so that's good.