If you haven't ever seen a school romance anime and want something short to get acquainted with the genre, this could be the right thing. Several couples, maybe it's better to call them couples-to-be, illustrate several patterns found in the Japanese cinema and anime and manga industry from ancient times (let me leave it like that, ancient times, yes).
I don't know, maybe the shortness of each story was the key problem in fact? But the way it is, I can only see it as an educational movie for people wanting to learn more about Japanese standards in school romance.
Two students obviously like each other, but when some doubts appear in the mind of them, they get...
だめ, or ダメ, or 駄目
'dame' - no good
No time to explain, she's just no good.
Though not for long. Being 'no good' lasts until the first talk among them girls.
Finally we have the explanation! She doesn't want him to hate her - for just any possible problem in the world, including imaginary ones.
'kirawareru' - to be disliked
3 lines later
She was down for a while, yes, but we have no time to show how she grew to accept herself and their relationship.
After successfully solving both her and his problem in a rather short talk, the relationship seems to be properly established, oops, it's not. He's gone to America, and taking into account it's a fresh anime of 2017 we can be misled into thinking that planes, satellites and wired and wireless internet will make connection between lovers easier, but nope, this is not the case.
'zutto' - always, forever, can be used to describe both past and future depending on the verb past or present form
I guess perception of time is a bit different in Japan...
Well obviously you'd have lost your virginity much earlier a tangible boyfriend all these years instead of DVDs.
So, when they finally meet...
You see? This is the core problem, Japan. You won't get your birthrate any higher while your young folk think that before 'taking thee as my wedded wife' they should accomplish something really big on their own. Not only marriage, even keeping in contact was out of question until success under the pretext of 'I won't be able to let you go if I hold your hand now'! Oh come on...
But I know, I know. Lonely girls, waiting for their beloved ones to show up, make the economics of Japan rotate faster by investing their money in the industries of printing - posters with handsome actors and josei manga, recording - romantic audio dramas, to say nothing of anime and you know, one more industry we won't mention.
But I know, I know. Lonely girls, waiting for their beloved ones to show up, make the economics of Japan rotate faster by investing their money in the industries of printing - posters with handsome actors and josei manga, recording - romantic audio dramas, to say nothing of anime and you know, one more industry we won't mention.
By the way, this is what a proper romance heroine should be like - shy, but cute and clever. Yes, who could guess that watercolour depends on water? Certainly not members of art club 15 years old.
And! she has to cry a lot. And blame herself for it, and cry more.
As you can see, I didn't like this heroine very much. Not the type I can admire or at least sympathise with. I cheered more for her friend, a loud, sparkling girl, which at least can count as a compensation for her possible weak points. Though I must confess I cheered for her primarily because she looked like a mix of Kaoru and Norie from 'Tamayura'. At least she wasn't so passive and depressed, like Mio. Her story also had at least an attempt to create some comedy, which I consider essential.
But then, after a funny start, the characters start to spill mediocrities one by one.
'boku wa ... sasemasen' - I wouldn't ... you (make you sad, hurt you like this, let you make such a face, etc.), a phrase which shows just how good the second guy is and how tragic it is that she won't choose him over the first guy even now
The deepness of human's soul is revealed to us viewers through small details, like they usually do in Japan. Hear a night owl calling for homesickness, or raindrops falling, reminding you of your last meeting with a dear friend... See tension of love in a pencil lead.
And by the way, this trick could go pretty well if the rest of the story were not so primitive.
Then! When the crucial moment comes, her message doesn't come across.
Well maybe because you didn't tell him it isn't???
Moreover, she starts to list her shortcomings too. This is a good moment, you've just confessed, how about not ruining the atmosphere right now? As if he ever blamed you for anything...
Now what's this? You waited to ascertain this girl's feelings for so long and this is all you can spill out?
'yoroshiku onegai shimasu' - please treat me well, an extremely emotional phrase used exclusively by couples to express their unique love and personal feelings for each other
Just kidding. I wanted to say that after all these anguishes of unspoken love that were supposed to have happened (remember the tragic pencil lead), it would be great if characters showed a bit more personalised reaction in the end.
Well, the third friend of this company was not in the focus very much so as to let me establish a firm opinion about her, except for one important fact: she can cook.
'tezukuri bentou' - hand-made lunch, an object of desire of every healthy Japanese schoolboy. Apparently, a woman's charm still lies in her cooking, no matter what they say about emancipation.
By the way,
'kenzen na danshi koukousei' - a healthy high school boy, a phrase important when explaining a sudden manifestation of earthly desires
As for the last girl, I couldn't care less for her, until the very end I couldn't find a single interesting trait in her to follow. One important thing to learn from her story is that though you can chase and threat your fellow classmate, you cannot do it to a senior student, even if you are only 2 years apart.
'sempai' - not simply an upperclassman, but a person who is much wiser and has a much bigger life experience than you, and who is therefore to be respected and addressed politely, even in case he saw your panties
By the way, this is not the first time I am amazed by the speed of change in a girl's feelings. They think a lot, cry a lot, get depressed a lot before they decide to confess and start a relationship or to end it, doesn't matter. But they don't cry or get depressed after. Just wipe their tears and move on.
'jumban machigatte nai?' - are you sure this is the right order?
Just a rhetorical question from me.
As for the boys - well, there was an attempt to make them individuals with personalities rather than cardboard figures, but in case of Haruki it was on the way to success, in case of Yuu it was attempted, in case of other boys it slipped because no time for explanation we have the schedule!
But don't misunderstand me, they are attractive. See?
I'm not sure if they are cool, though...
Well at least there is one person who is seriously cool.
The 'background' division made its work in time, though. No need to worry about schedule in this case.
I wondered if this was exactly what Yasuo Otsuka spoke about? 'They would draw handsome faces with big eyes and long lashes' he said 'but I'd make them rough, just enough for creating an image'. And yes, they did. I myself prefer this kind of smooth design with rounded lines more than simplistic one of Mr. Otsuka, but what to do when this design gets in the way of a-ni-ma-tion, and makes the characters make jerky movements instead of realistic walking, running, waving hands or getting surprised...
And this beautiful town scenery doesn't heal me at all when the story is so boring I end up reading articles in Wikipedia on overtones in music.
'Ootsuka Yasuo' - a prominent Japanese animator
The seiyuus did their job well too, I guess. I can merely guess because I didn't find much 'job' there. In fact, I shall now confess, I came to listen to Suzumura, and as for him, I can say it was something between the overly-confident-and-positive Tora from 'Maid-sama' and his usual manner of speaking. This is the only conclusion I could draw.
The same goes for music in this anime. I guess there was some, and it might as well be good and highlight every scene of this series, if there were something to highlight. OPEDs and theme songs are just one nightmare of pink and sugar, so I'll just forget them.
Now this sounds almost as if 'Kokuhaku jikkou' is the worst anime I have ever seen, but it's actually not. It's just that I'm rather tired after watching it, just like a simple sweet cake makes you unwilling to eat more sweets, even though it wasn't that very dessert you wanted.
But then, after a funny start, the characters start to spill mediocrities one by one.
'boku wa ... sasemasen' - I wouldn't ... you (make you sad, hurt you like this, let you make such a face, etc.), a phrase which shows just how good the second guy is and how tragic it is that she won't choose him over the first guy even now
The deepness of human's soul is revealed to us viewers through small details, like they usually do in Japan. Hear a night owl calling for homesickness, or raindrops falling, reminding you of your last meeting with a dear friend... See tension of love in a pencil lead.
And by the way, this trick could go pretty well if the rest of the story were not so primitive.
Then! When the crucial moment comes, her message doesn't come across.
Well maybe because you didn't tell him it isn't???
Moreover, she starts to list her shortcomings too. This is a good moment, you've just confessed, how about not ruining the atmosphere right now? As if he ever blamed you for anything...
Now what's this? You waited to ascertain this girl's feelings for so long and this is all you can spill out?
'yoroshiku onegai shimasu' - please treat me well, an extremely emotional phrase used exclusively by couples to express their unique love and personal feelings for each other
Just kidding. I wanted to say that after all these anguishes of unspoken love that were supposed to have happened (remember the tragic pencil lead), it would be great if characters showed a bit more personalised reaction in the end.
Well, the third friend of this company was not in the focus very much so as to let me establish a firm opinion about her, except for one important fact: she can cook.
'tezukuri bentou' - hand-made lunch, an object of desire of every healthy Japanese schoolboy. Apparently, a woman's charm still lies in her cooking, no matter what they say about emancipation.
By the way,
'kenzen na danshi koukousei' - a healthy high school boy, a phrase important when explaining a sudden manifestation of earthly desires
As for the last girl, I couldn't care less for her, until the very end I couldn't find a single interesting trait in her to follow. One important thing to learn from her story is that though you can chase and threat your fellow classmate, you cannot do it to a senior student, even if you are only 2 years apart.
'sempai' - not simply an upperclassman, but a person who is much wiser and has a much bigger life experience than you, and who is therefore to be respected and addressed politely, even in case he saw your panties
By the way, this is not the first time I am amazed by the speed of change in a girl's feelings. They think a lot, cry a lot, get depressed a lot before they decide to confess and start a relationship or to end it, doesn't matter. But they don't cry or get depressed after. Just wipe their tears and move on.
'jumban machigatte nai?' - are you sure this is the right order?
Just a rhetorical question from me.
As for the boys - well, there was an attempt to make them individuals with personalities rather than cardboard figures, but in case of Haruki it was on the way to success, in case of Yuu it was attempted, in case of other boys it slipped because no time for explanation we have the schedule!
But don't misunderstand me, they are attractive. See?
I'm not sure if they are cool, though...
Well at least there is one person who is seriously cool.
The 'background' division made its work in time, though. No need to worry about schedule in this case.
I wondered if this was exactly what Yasuo Otsuka spoke about? 'They would draw handsome faces with big eyes and long lashes' he said 'but I'd make them rough, just enough for creating an image'. And yes, they did. I myself prefer this kind of smooth design with rounded lines more than simplistic one of Mr. Otsuka, but what to do when this design gets in the way of a-ni-ma-tion, and makes the characters make jerky movements instead of realistic walking, running, waving hands or getting surprised...
And this beautiful town scenery doesn't heal me at all when the story is so boring I end up reading articles in Wikipedia on overtones in music.
'Ootsuka Yasuo' - a prominent Japanese animator
The seiyuus did their job well too, I guess. I can merely guess because I didn't find much 'job' there. In fact, I shall now confess, I came to listen to Suzumura, and as for him, I can say it was something between the overly-confident-and-positive Tora from 'Maid-sama' and his usual manner of speaking. This is the only conclusion I could draw.
The same goes for music in this anime. I guess there was some, and it might as well be good and highlight every scene of this series, if there were something to highlight. OPEDs and theme songs are just one nightmare of pink and sugar, so I'll just forget them.
Now this sounds almost as if 'Kokuhaku jikkou' is the worst anime I have ever seen, but it's actually not. It's just that I'm rather tired after watching it, just like a simple sweet cake makes you unwilling to eat more sweets, even though it wasn't that very dessert you wanted.