love triangles... love squares... erm... love pentagons?
what I recall in such moments is the line from 'You're Not All Alone' song (ending theme from Sol Bianca the legacy) - 'it's all right, I'm aware, life is fair'. 'tis really so. there are such things. many of them. 'tis ok. should be, at least...
'tis I who is not ok at all. having started with 'saikai' with its wonderful funny story and a (silly?) happy ending I ended up watching tragic stories also. sorry, but I am not a masochist... I cannot find any pleasure in watching sad and intricate stories which begin with nothing and end in nothing. was I mistaken in the Star Troupe?
BTW, is it only me who feels that the meeting of Jose and Carmen in the bar is a little bit overly... how shall I put it... well, at least it doth not suit the music, which seemeth to have more deep feelings than that plain passion shown. oh, that meaneth - the name of the musical is quite right - 'tis about passion, not love
'twas some 20 or 30 minutes from the beginning when I realized I am no more interested in watching it, though I was quite happy with the plenty of love scenes, as I was longing very much to watch something romantic. however, the rest (which was about an hour) flew beyond my mind, and I was only waiting for it to end, as I am not used to dropping what I have begun
who was 'lighting the way' is Michaela, a nice girl destined to suffer for nothing, the type I always feel sorry for and this sympathy seemeth to be greater than feelings towards other characters. I only wanted to ask if it is ok to ask a former girlfriend to look after thy mother
unlike the doubtful Gerard, Jose was firm in his choice when he was offered to stay with Carmen abandoning his previous life. this kind of decisiveness is much better than that tragic parting of 'Too Short a Time'. and the same firmness he showed when killing Garcia. impressive. not in the positive sense, however >___<
and Carmen herself... I was always interested in the kind of people who 'respect freedom' and say that they do not want to belong to someone, as I cannot understand them, being a completely opposite type. well, if they want to have fun in such a manner, I have no right to restrict them...
with the plot progressing, the misunderstanding progresses as well. I cannot see any reason why a person who loves cannot wait for a response, and I can see no reason why not to response, when loving and being loved. I could not even understand the feeling of being grateful to the mother for being born, as no one asks to be born actually...
and of course, the bombast of killing thy beloved because of a 'small misunderstanding' is very, very touching...... or so they thought? o___O
the more I watch, the lesser I understand. in the end, all that was left is... 'wha?'
my applause when the performance ended was as loud as that of the audience. as I was happy to see this nonsense stopping
siennas on the stage
Hisaki Seara-san. with both a cute face and a nice voice (which is again of the type I envy so much, with the 'high speed vibrating') she could be a really outstanding sienna, if not for her retirement. hath she got married? for example...
Nene-chan playing such a strong and dangerous woman was also an attractive thing. not that I like a person who can easily stab a woman with a knife, but looking onto a different Nene was fun. BTW, it took me a long time to understand that a Japanese is not a gypsy. oh, that's not what I wanted to say. are we not quite used to siennas being really great on the stage and having thousands of manifestations? this time Nene-chan was really as close to a real gypsy as she could be, and I consider it a really hard thing to do. we already know lolitas dressing in french clothes, we also admire otokoyaku in suits, but a Japanese girl wearing a long big skirt in flowers, and what's more important - behaving like a real gypsy - this should not have been so natural for me, as I have payed no attention to this fact when watching 'Passion' for the first time. this meaneth, Nene-chan is cool. well, a negative thing - on the other hand, I only conrmed my conclusion that this type of character is not for Nene-chan... better to say, for me watching Nene-chan. the problem is not her being a product of a completely another society, but 'tis just that this role doth not suit Nene-chan's personality, as fas as I imagine her
Yumeno Seika-san... I feel so sorry for not being able to appreciate her on the stage... she obviously is talented and she plays quite good, I am truly fascinated by the scene of her looking onto Carmen dancing - such a trifle, but portrayed so nicely... and still, I feel as if I dislike her, without any obvious reason. well, the only thing, she was breathing while portraying the dead Escamillio and it was very uncovered... ^.^ but that's not a thing to reproach a sienna, eh? after such an energy requiring dancing, she could not help breathing, which is quite natural. what is more important, I am not very delighted with her voice..... >___<
Yuzuki-sama portraying a bull. nice
well, though I did not like the characters, at least I should state the artistic skills of the main siennnas are perfect. such a strong passion is n their voices when they shout or cry, and in their movements, and the way they look onto each other...
another thing which bothers me is that while Ouki-san is absent, I cannot find any interesting siennas to look on, apart from Top Combi and Suzumi-san
the last question of mine. why such dresses??? the men outfit is completely ok, but both in 'Passion' and in 'Gypsy Baron' gypsy girl are dressed in idk what... I am not saying I am specialists in gypsy clothing, but I daresay I have an image of it, and meseemes, the Zuka costumes leave... well, leave something to be desired...
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