03 January 2012

Sherlock - finally reached my TV screen

hi, m'dear, I missed thee very much. what had taken thee so long?
my friend was assuring me this period would pass like a moment, and I would not remember how it had passed. I answered her - no, it would not. of course, I was right. it was nothing like a moment. it took a whole eternity to wait for the second season to come...
especially, that my life changed so much during this 1.5 years. I am not the same little girl who was watching the first three episodes. I am not a completely different person either, which might seem strange a bit
welcome back, Sherlock, the only thing which maketh me interested enough, apart from Zuka, being my only happiness for the last half a year...
the only thing which surprises me is... why is the 0 episode sometimes more funny than the 1st one, which was meant to be a replica of the 0, but should have been better, not more boring - just remember the scene in the restaurant with the cute Italian chef and the 'drunk' Sherlock (and BTW it should not have become less understandable in terms of the speed of both actions and words pronunciation. while I was able to understand most of them by ears in the 0, I had to read all the subtitles in the 1st...)

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