15 May 2012

lyrics translation. Tamura Naomi's 'Mother Ship'

I wrote down as much as I could but I still had to check myself because the manner of singing in this song is unusual both for Tamura-sama, and in general - it really prevents from hearing clearly what the words are
therefore, I pay tribute to http://j-lyric.net/artist/a00080f/l01366f.html for being able to check my 'listening comprehension'
*translation updated May 2020


失われた航海図 壊れた磁石
緑を湛え 蒼く輝く
泣いてる mother ship

It’s too late, it's too late
It’s out of time 錨をあげろ
帆を張り 風に乗れ


It’s too late まだ終わりじゃないんだ
It’s out of time 終焉の海を渡れ
It’s too late, it's too late
It’s out of time 錨をあげろ
帆を張り 風に乗れ


A lost sailing chart, a broken compass
Traces of a sinking ship
Shining with a pale light, it’s full of green
Its original shape already lost

The crying mother ship
Enduring the pain

Its too late, it's too late
Turn your helm to the future
It’s out of time, lift the anchor
Hoist the sail and ride the wind

In the large universe
There is a small star of life

It’s too late, it is not the end yet
It is not as if you have lost
It’s out of time, cross the sea of demise
With all the power you have

Its too late, it's too late
Turn your helm to the future
It’s out of time, lift the anchor

Hoist the sail and ride the wind

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