30 July 2012

suddenly remembered something that bothered me... ~ Zuka makeup limits?

my friend once told me
ну я вот допустим если начинаю слушать персонажей одного и того же сейю внимааательно, чтобы понять где есть сходство в голосах, когда нахожу это сходство у персонажа, которого последнего слушала, начинаю слышать только это сходство и оно мне начинает резать уши. Примерно как когда обращаешь внимаение, как певец набирает воздух в песне и потом слышишь только эти наборы воздуха, вместо исполнения х)
'if I listen to different characters voiced by the same seiyuu attentively in order to understand where the similarity can be noticed, I end up hearing only the similarity after I find it in the voice of the last character I listened to, and this makes me sick to hear the voice. this is the same as when you notice how a singer inhales before starting to sing a phrase and then you end up hearing only those sounds of inhaling instead of enjoying the song'

a wonderful observation, isn't it?
some time ago I read several people claiming that Seijou-san applies too much stage makeup. now every time I look at her I recall that
but hey, isn't it partially caused by her eye shape? and also, she uses more white, blue, and usually sparkling shadows while others may prefer darker and 'calmer' colours. not everyone, though. in comparison with Morie, who is Magee's usual partner, she may look 'too much', but hey, other otokoyaku-san do this too? like, Kouzuki-san's make up here does not seem less bright to me... not to mention the Top Four ^^`

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