15 September 2012

my humble opinion on 'K no souretsu' ~ wasted time

when one sees graphics with perfect style and unusual frame setting
one might expect to read a work of equal perfection, but then...
usually I either drop a work I don't like, or forget about it soon after reading/watching. I don't even bother to write a proper review on such things. this is probably a unique post for me. I don't want to divide it as usual into paragraphs and the stuff. now that I think of it, the reason to write this post is...
2 great mangakas from Japan - Teranishi Tatsuya-san and Iwata Rentarou-san - came to Vladivostok this year, in spring. needless to say, their lecture was interesting. what I remember most vividly is the following excerpt from a news article
«Самый лучший мангака – это тот, кто делает своими произведениями людей счастливыми», — говорит Тэраниси Тацуя. Успеха достигнет тот, кто хочет стать мангакой не для того, чтобы рисовать манга, а для того, чтобы с помощью манга передать свое послание людям.
'the best mangaka is a person who makes people happy with his works,' Teranishi Tatsuya says. it is the one who became a mangaka to convey his message to people, who will achieve success, not the one who became a mangaka to create manga.

is there any sense in 'K no souretsu'? is there any story at all? are there any personalities in the characters? do they develop? the answer to all the question is no for me. however, even without all this... are there any feelings in this manga? the message to convey, the thoughts and the feelings from the very heart of the mangaka? does the mangaka have any heart at all?
one can find hints on emotions there, but not the emotions themselves. the main character is supposed to love his brother, the girl is supposed to like K and adore him, the woman is supposed to be obsessed with him, and so on. and no message in any of them. nothing, only emptiness
short, laconic chapters. not too much words uttered either. what was the purpose of creating this work?
when one sees a description of a dream like this
 or a dialogue like this
what is he supposed to feel? to understand? to think? to conclude? when one reads about 'morkwall' and never gets any explanation of what 'tis - what is the meaning of introducing such a thing in the plot?
fascinating with originality and the dark mystery aura about it, to the extent that it made me read it till the end. I am against cliches and mediocre works full of fanservice... however... this is too much. this short beautiful emptiness is no better than a dragged out sweet shoujo

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