29 October 2011

В Москву

Мягкий взлет, вкусная еда, тепло в салоне... Жаль только самолет все тот же, с неудобными креслами... И веселые работники. Мест у окон якобы нет, хотя я их прекрасно вижу... Целых три японских фильма! В том числе одна какая-то тягомотина, но зато еще фильм Ёдзи Ямады и ashita no Joe! ^___^

26 October 2011

очередная сказка на ночь - на сей раз о маленькой и очень странной девочке

вообще-то, я собиралась в душ попозже, но пришлось хватать полотенце и нестись в ванную бегом, чтобы уже там всхлипывать в голос, не боясь разбудить родителей.

двенадцатый час ночи - не лучшее время читать новости вконтакте. это чревато буйством, которое может быть совсем не вовремя, учитывая, что все порядочные люди уже легли спать.
к чему это я - да к уходу Кирии-сама в апреле следующего года, новость о котором повергла меня в тихий шок.
звучит пафосно и виктимно, да?
вынуждена заметить, что инфантилы тоже плачут. особенно инфантилы первой квадры, когда узнают, что источник их этики эмоций, причем положительных, через несколько месяцев исчезнет из их жизни.
так уж вышло, что к моменту, когда я узнала о существовании Кирии-сама, она уже почти полтора года как стала Топ Звездой. именно этот факт, пожалуй, стал самым пагубным фактором, приведшим к моему нынешнему состоянию, которое можно, грубо говоря, назвать отчаянием.
хотя, не только этот факт виновен в моей депрессии. размышляя о сложившемся положении дел, я нахожу целую цепочку событий, каждое из которых внесло свой вклад в эту мою сегодняшнюю запись в блоге.
если бы я сказала Саэ-сан о том, что я хотела бы съездить в Такаразуку, чуть раньше, мы попали бы на "Призрака", и тогда Саэ-сан получила бы куда больше удовольствия, смотря на свою любимую сиенну Рандзю Тому, и я бы заинтересовалась ей, а не Кирией-сама, забыв о том, что именно ее фотография показалась мне самой интересной среди всех, представленных в досье на главном сайте.
с другой стороны, если бы я в прошлом году, читая биографию одной из своих любимых сейю, Сузуказе Маё, поразмыслила над тем фактом, что она играла Оскар в "Розе Версаля", а не отмахнулась бы от этого, считая, что мне все равно не светит найти и посмотреть это выступление, то я бы начала увлекаться Такаразукой чуть раньше и, кто знает, могла бы потребовать пустить меня в Японию на учебу не этим летом, а прошлым, и тогда я бы имела шанс увидеть Кирию-сама собственными глазами хотя бы на один раз больше.
еще один счастливый вариант - я могла бы вообще промолчать, увидев афиши Такаразуки на вокзале линии Ханкю, и тогда великолепие представления, увиденное вживую, не сподвигло бы меня изучать Такаразуку и дальше.
и самый лучший вариант - Кирия-сама работает Топ Звездой столько же, сколько в среднем и все остальные - три-четыре года, и уходит в 2013 году. к этому времени я уже насыщаюсь ее неотразимостью сполна и отпускаю ее со спокойной душой.
учитывая небольшую плотность выступлений каждой труппы, возможностей посмотреть выступление Лунной Труппы существует в принципе совсем немного. и любой из сценариев, описанных выше, был бы приемлем, и даже желателен.
в своих самых безумных мечтах я представляла, что Кирия-сама останется в труппе до 2014 года и примет участие в юбилейных мероприятиях Такаразуки. ведь к столетию они вряд ли отделаются обычным спортивным соревнованием, не так ли?
однако я прекрасно понимала, что 5 лет лидерства в Труппе это довольно много, и меня ожидает еще парочка лет, от силы, в течение которых я могу лицезреть выступления Кирии-сама.
парочка лет внезапно, без предупреждения, превратилась в четыре месяца. надежды на еще хоть несколько ипостасей любимой актрисы мгновенно испарились. надежды на то, чтобы увидеть ее в следующем году на сцене, сидя в зале, которые и до того были лишь призрачными, вообще сделали вид, что их никогда и не было.
что не изменилось, так это утешения самой себе. я раньше говорила "я не смогу посмотреть все ее выступления, но хотя бы половину..." - я говорю так и сейчас. поскольку выступлений осталось два - тур по Японии в ноябре, на который я, вроде, попадаю, и еще постановка весной, попасть на которую будет уже гораздо сложнее.
уже час в голове крутится строка из песни ONE OK ROCK, в последнее время ставшая моим гимном.
"мечта - это не то, что нужно смотреть, а то, что нужно воплотить в жизнь. так что, не называй мечтой то, что не исполнится"
сначала я подумала, что эта строка - просто очередной бред типичной японской джей-рок группы. однако я передумала. позитивное мышление охватило мой разум, я уверилась в том, что нужно стараться воплотить даже ту мечту, которая кажется недостижимой... я думала, ведь это же мой излюбленный принцип - не можешь получить все и сразу, ну так хотя бы работай на это, постоянно, неустанно, хотя бы приблизься к своей цели!
варианты приближения той мечты, о которой я имею честь говорить сейчас, проносились в моей голове быстро, но не бесследно.
написать трогательную открытку с просьбой остаться в труппе хотя бы еще ненадолго...
начать работать день и ночь, чтобы съездить в Такаразуку в феврале или в Токио в апреле...
ведь я не маленькая, я уже научилась переживать относительно спокойно тот факт, что все хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается. мне осталось научиться еще переживать то, что заканчивается оно тогда, когда этого захочется ему, а не мне.

к моему великому удивлению, я успокоилась гораздо быстрее, чем ожидала. это хорошо.
жаль только, что приступов и комков в горле будет еще много, не раз и не два.

пойду готовиться к семинару, а то второй час ночи, а мне вставать в 6.

25 October 2011

me progress... of what?

me was really going to let the Moonies rest for a while and watch some other Troupe but when me sat down looking on the screen me typed 'hig...' automatically and so me started watching 'Higher than the sky of Paris' without actually comprehending what me has done.
'tis a little unfair to the other Troupes but apart from this me isn't disappointed with even a little detail. just every conversation and every song makes me smile in delight, try it yourselves if you wish.
the introduction of Gustav at the party was great
Armand - and now I leave all the explanation of the tower to mr Gustav Eifel!
Gustav - erm... here 'tis!
brief and.... and ^O^
the next follows talk between the brothers and Sena being like '1 000 000 - what's that scari~ng?' with her knees giving way
what makes us, the audience, a little sad, is when... let me call it N-bante if you be so kind 'cause 'tis too difficult for me to distinguish them in the age of Sena... so that N-bante confesses to the Top Musumeyaku-san and we, the audience, are deprived of the opportunity to guess what would follow and hope for a happy end - 'cause we know the stuff about the Top Star and the Top Musumeyaky, eh? so both Eiffel and even George having no chances made me a little sad and feel like me's watching some usual harem thing... >____<
how it happens me doesn't know but the parts Kiriya-sama plays are just almost always so suitable for her, so natural she looks while performing and so cute. this time me loves Eifel as well, his clumsiness and his stammering, everything makes him even more alive.
me was even more interested in the future N-bantes whom me loves so much. they have minor roles of course but how lovely and sweet they looked performing the kind of 'good guys'
as for the end, me ended up crying, quite involuntarily. why didn't the playwriters make Armand get on the staright and narrow??? me was soooo sad that even the loving heart of Mimi couldn't stop Armand from going away, or better to say, of going on - going on performing cheats and fraud
though me liked the idea of everyone forgiving Armand and George and recognizing their impact on the whole story as positive
the only consequence that doesn't make me too happy with all that kind of stuff is that the reality would never be that great, and the real people those girls present on the stage never happened to be that nice and kind and supportive and honest and... me can prolong the list so that it would be several kilometres long. me daresay, the sincerity of those girls is much higher than the sky of Paris, you know?

23 October 2011

the next tale

how me managed to encounter with Nana Kitade was a hard thing to remember. but me recalled it successfully
me was searching for bands created by seiyuus, and me remembered of Peach Hips, who were Sailormoon's seiyuus. then me started watching vids connected with the anime, and me watched a cover of 'moonlight densetsu' by Kitade. 'twas ugly, me daresay. so me thought, me would never ever listen to her other songs. BTW, she also covered 'Versailles no Bara' theme song 'bara wa utsukushiku chiru' and me should tell it didn't gain anything either from Nana's rough voice and rockish background. it sounds much better in the original version with soft voice and calm back
however, what changed my mind was the lolita trend of Nana-san. me likes her look in 'slave of kiss' especially.
still the song mentioned is not what me likes most among Nana's songs.
let me state firstly, that Nana-san belongs to that rare breed whose songs do not only fail to improve with time, but even lose their quality and uniqueness.
as for your humble servant, he got used to the opposite trend when the first albums are experimental and representing the process of performers development searching the most suitable style of 'em, while the later ones seem much more mature.
secondly, me wants to say me shall not review every single song of Nana-san. 'tis quite unnecessary and a waste of time.
the first single was 'kesenai tsumi' and though me doesn't like it too much, the main song was a FMA theme song, if you understand what me is speaking about. that is a significant fact, me daresay.
then we have 'utareru ame' which is also great, and the 'b-sides' are also good, especially the 'utakata' called one.
me also liked 'call me' of the next single 'kanashimi no kizu' though the main song of the single was not too outstanding.
let me tell you that 'pureness' was also a theme song for a shounen. coupled with the previously mentioned anime, this fact gives us an impression of Nana-san as a slightly tomboyish and strong girl, with a clearly distinguished j-rock style.
the album 'eighteen' was the best. it included the songs me named and also the greatest masterpiece of Nana-san called 'rasen' which means 'spiral'. the line 'these thoughts only draw a spiral' in the chorus made me believe in the strong feelings there were in the song, while the words generally matched the mood of the melody itself, making the song quite sincere and credible.
then we have the covers album which left no particular impression (so that me believes the originals were cooler) and some other songs which were also nothing to me.
the album 'I scream' (the name is a play on the word 'ice-cream' as me honourable guests may understand from the cover presenting Nana-san with the sweet thing on her face) provided me with an only song me liked - that is 'm'aider'. quite disappointing...
then we come to the 'Antoinette blue' single. as wikipedia tell us, 'the title is a reference to Marie Antoinette, who was famous for having a grey-blue diamond ring'. me is reading SP at the moment so me was really interested in Marie Antoinette, and me was hoping to hear something decent but the song proved to be just disgusting. the usual female-j-rock-would-be-pop-but-too-heavy-for-it ways and nothing in particular. me also managed to know the song was the D.Gray-man's theme song. they make a pair.
that is how me hate for Kitade started growing in the depth of me soul, for that she lost her style and strength.
what follows the single is a number of pretty useless and uninteresting songs, which me doesn't remember the names of. me only payed attention to 'lamia' which has a gothic mood, and also 'ehter' and 'under babydoll' which go in the same stream, the latter being really good, like a sunray through the cloud. 'lamia' however was spoiled by Nana-san's screaming in the end which is not really adding any charm to the song and to be honest sound like something odd, though me understands her attentions.
Kitade then joined the band Loveless, which is some... noise-pop-rock or what? well since 'tis noise, we hear mainly noise in the songs, and me can't say anything good 'bout 'em.
me should also mention Nana-san hasn't released any singles from 2009 but for the Loveless EP. methinks 'tis for the better as me is not willing to listen to her gothic experiments anymore.


if not for my research on Google to create a report for my study me would never know about orkut.
now me is just... at a loss...
what for???
why has it never become a famous social network??? 'tis quite convenient to use and it does contain all the necessary things we usually have in other social networks. why was it forsaken? why did Google create '+' and all the other stuff taking no heed of thee existing orkut which would certainly prove a good base for an improved network? why is orkut still beta??? guys you really need to combine orkut and google+!

oh.... me has a cognitive dissonans. congrats.

19 October 2011

a comparison

me finally found the strength to watch other interpretations of 'Scarlet Pimpernel' than the Zuka's.
the first one is of the year of grace 1982. the second is of the 1934
the first one was a great delight. the second was a disappointment.
the first one is British and 'tis comparatively new. the second is American and 'tis black'n'white.
the first one combined the 'SP' book itself with that of 'Eldorado' showing the brightness of the skills to design a new plot of those screenplay writers and the director. the second followes the book to the letter in some details, such as singing Percy entering the house of Brogart in France, but changes the other details so that Margo's connections with Cyr are quite the opposite and the behaviour of Percy is sometimes simply in contradiction with what they were in the book, that can bee noticed by an unaided eye while they speak in the cabinet somewhere in the middle of the movie
the first one was full of true feelings. the second presents a mere effort to create something real.
the first one is that me could believe. the second one was just a show.
let your humble servant try to explain.
sir Anthony Andrews was not too handsome, as me dares to think. still he was the best choice I could imagine. so full of gallantry, so noble and firm. and the eyes were the greatest. those eyes betrayed his every emotion, his adoration for Marguerite, his sadness when he knew her possible betrayal, his hope when she came to his cell. his accent changed when he was serious and when he was playing the part of the idle fop. he was the best, and me will be ever firm in this conviction.
some said madam Jane Seymour isn't that suitable for the part of Marguerite. she isn't, that me can agree, as she has brown hair and looks a bit older that Marguerite was. real Marguerite had the hair of the colour of gold and blue eyes and childlike face, as my honourable guests may remember. apart from this me cannot blame Jane for that she failed in portraying the loving woman in happiness and sorrow.
me cannot say anything for the others, as me didn't pay enough attention to them, but they were credible enough, otherwise me would notice.
as for Chauvelin, he's much more of a human than he is in the book, and there's some feeling in his heart for Marguerite, which could even be called as love by someone, though me doesn't like the variant quite much.
when we proceed to the American old movie, we see an arrogant Margo who is just too proud of her beauty that she is even not capable of casting her pride away to seem tender and cute. her words to her husband are all insincere, her intonation doesn't indicate any of her feelings and her look never changes so we are only to guess that we see the Margo grieving. sir Percy is not much better in terms of verisimilitude. he's trying hard to do something close to what is necessary not able to do it the way we don't notice his efforts. and those are in vain. just a semblance of that famous smile, that fire in the eyes... self-admiration we can see in the movie, nothing more.
all the happenings seem to be in a great hurry and the jokes, however clever and sophisticated, never made me laugh. there's everything we need to be in a complete admiration for the 1934 movie, and still me is not. so disgusting me finds it that me could hardly watch it to the end...
there are so many lines and situations that are exactly the same in the 1934 version and in the 1982 version. my dear visitors may compare those parts themselves if only they pay a little attention to the movies. the obvious conclusion would be, methinks, that the lines in the old version are simply lines while there is a whole universe of feelings in those spoken by sir Anthony and lady Jane
considering the ending of both films, 'tis quite different from that of the book and methinks that's a pity. though 'tis not very spectacular 'tis rather interesting and quite worthy of being presented in a movie
me would like to state that the series of 1998 seem that far from the original and the actors are that unsuitable that me will never waste me time for that 'piece of art'.
the conclusion is, that the 1982's version is much better than the others, though there are obvious changes in the plot. still what is that you want to see, my dear guests? is it the frame, the skeleton, the plot itself, just a ghost of the book? or is it the true people whose sufferings and happiness were tangible to the extent you can touch 'em?

13 October 2011

Takarazuka monthly calendars

me already told you how you can get the pics yourselves in my Google+
however if me managed to get almost all of them why shouldn't me share? 'tis much more convenient for my honourable guests. methinks one may even create a good wallpaper/userpic/whatever, as the quality is quite pleasant to watch and to use...
so enjoy!