25 January 2012

trying to remember... ~ I saw a fragment of 'Dance Romanesque' unintentionally

I have already described my first Takarazuka experience to some of my friends, which had the interesting coincidence, that the performance I got to watch was exactly that of the Moon Troupe, whose Top Combi seemed to be the most interesting judging by their photos on the English version of the official website
therefore, I can not say I do not remember my meeting with the Takarazuka world or something like this. however, while remembering it quite distinctively I did not recall anything apart from the facts. namely, I did not try to remember the feelings I had as of July-August, 2011
by chance I happened to see the same official photos recently, and by chance the Tokyo Eye hosts were visiting 'The Man from Algiers' in their recent programme, and both encounters were not deliberate ones
the feelings I have now that I've seen excerpts from the performance which was my first one are tearing my heart apart. even scenes from 'Dance Romanesque' do not arise the same feelings, as I watched it twice, and the second time I was watching it, I was already much more '詳しい', that is - I was already lovesick with Takarazuka and knew some basic things about it
watching other performances and TV programmes is nothing equal, as I see exactly what I see and what is even more important - I am prepared to see what I see. watching 'The Man...' was so different...
what is the most interesting, is that seeing the scenes from 'The Man...' hath a double effect. not only I see the faces and costumes and the stuff clearly, but also I see the performance with the eyes of a 詳しい person, a person who is into Zuka and knows quite a few things about what it tastes like
these two effects made me remember my first visit to Takarazuka so distinctively. knowing nothing about the whole concept, having seen no stage photos, having heard no songs, and nevertheless calmly accepting the fact that Zuka is an all-female theatre - I wonder what I looked like...
nothing of the show shocked me or surprised me. no decorations, no costumes, no manner of acting or singing. I was feeling as if everything was on its place, and everything was as I expected it to be. of course, I noticed that the decorations were splendid, and the dresses were richly embroidered, etc. still, 'twas the beauty which was surely to be there, and however hard I try to remember, I cannot say I was feeling that the performance exceeded my expectations
oh no, I have already told a lie. of course it exceeded myy expectations in a positive way, it impressed me and delighted me greatly. I can prove it with both my feelings after the performance ended - those were feeling of sadness with the time having passed by so quickly, and with the facts - could I become a Zuka fan if my first experience was unsuccessful?
what I meant to say is... I feel like there was something within me, something in my souls that led me to going to Zuka, perhaps, that something was already pushing me towards this wonderful world before I realized it. I mean, my strong wish to watch the performance was the very signal that I am ready to start my Zuka journey. now that I tried to remember the developments of last summer, I can vaguely remember me noticing the opportunity of going to Zuka a little ahead of seeing the poster on Hankyu station. that 'little' seems to have been enough for me to become quite determined, but not enough to provide myself with a significant background
why? well, I did not have a lot of free time, and I was occupied with 'kaichou wa maid-sama', and I did not think I would be able to visit Takarazuka as my first friend did not response to my mentioning my wish to go there, and the other one I did not expect to have any interest as well
in the end, 'twas the sudden crush and its consequences that led me to watching the programme I named, and the only fact I am wondering about right now is - why now, why half a year after...
oh, now there is another thing to ponder on. is everyone the same as me when they see some scenes from the performance that was their first?

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